Friday, April 6, 2012

The drunken...


* I have a couple of happy things to write about but I'm not going to post them all at once. 
(I'm a tease huh?)
You know as well as I do, the internet has it's pitfalls and ugly side, but sometimes you get lucky...REALLY lucky & some really fun & amazing people come into your life through all the deception. (ex. all of you!) I text and chat with a few gals I've met through another photog. website and I've had the pleasure of actually meeting one helluv a girl...Amber   Live. Laugh. Love.
I actually flew to NC for 33 hours just to meet her! She is exactly who she seemed to be on-line...only better cause I get to hear her voice & wit in person. 
Well, she's in So Cal. visiting her folks. Amber & her Mom drove up to have lunch at my house yesterday...Good times! I made a pear crisp with bourbon soaked raisins & was trying to take pictures in between cooking, baking and cleaning!
 I haven't downloaded the pics yet, but I'll be posting them soon!

Happy Snapping!


  1. Very cool still lifes! Sounds like a wonderful experience. That's great!

  2. Glad you had a great time with Amber.
    Those are some mighty plump raisins!!!!

  3. My..what a small bottle of Jim Beam you have, haha. Fun, fun, fun meeting up with blog buddies. Enjoy!

  4. I am so happy, happy that you got to spend some great times with your "new" internet friend. I am doing it again in about a week in Galveston. And with that Jim Beam I am sure your lunch was a HUGE success.

  5. Bourbon and pears? Would it be bad to want this at 8:30 in the morning? Can't wait to see some photos of the pear crisp!


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the blogging world. Your comments always put a smile on my face. Hope to see you again real soon.