...isn't music to your ears.
It may or may not have been happening already, but back in March is when I really started noticing the clicking noise my shoulder made at any given moment or any movement I made. It clicked during our fabulous cruise down to Mexico with a stopover in Catalina...
... through the incredible 10 days Jamie and Erik was visiting...
...in fact, I spent my whole summer clicking away and NOT in a fun camera kind of way. In constant pain and sleepless nights , I fell into a funk.
My spirits had fallen too-I mean what could I possibly say or write that would have any relevance considering the state the world was in?
So I stayed away from this place...
...and then some.
I couldn't lift a coffee cup let alone my camera.
I did however, discover Newspaper Blackout Poetry by
Austin Kleon
It allowed me to work through my funk...
... and at least I had found a creative outlet.
Rainy Day |
Your story your way. Make it beautiful
School started, I went back to work-the clicking got worse, the pain got worse till one day, tired from waking up at 4 a.m., I had my breaking point from the pain and stiffness, I went to see my Doctor.
She told me I had a frozen shoulder. Adhesive capsulitis to more exact.
Basically the tissue around the joints stiffen & scar tissue forms to the point where the range of motion is down to nothing. There are 3 stages to frozen shoulder...
Thawing (the stage I'm in now)
I recently had an X-ray to make sure I didn't have arthritis-thankfully that came back negative. I had a round of Prednisone, a cortisone shot followed and I started physical therapy.
All of which has gotten me 50% of my shoulder mobility back.
Enough to be able to finally be pick up my camera and shoot this-
Because Frankie and I never got around to replanting the milkweed away from here over the summer,
A Mama Monarch laid eggs to which I just released about 25 butterflies...give or take a few.
So the good news now is, instead of living with pain at a 7-10 range, it's more like a manageable 1/2 to 1-totally doable.
PT does bring me to tears as my shoulder is worked to tear away the scar tissue but I know there is an end in sight. It might be 3-6 months away-but none-the-less closer. I still jar my shoulder every now and again if I'm not watching what I'm doing-I can finally-even if briefly, sleep on my right side-that's a little like heaven and I sigh a deep sigh and fall into a beautiful slumber. If you follow me on IG, you know I still make newspaper blackouts. I think it will be fun to do a blog post on that so keep an eye out for that one.
My spirits have for the most part returned. I'm still unhappy over the world's state of affairs, and I hope what I have to say is important enough to want to keep blogging. I'm taking it as it comes feeling & going through what I need to.
Thank you all for the wonderful "welcome back" sentiments.
I just love my on-line family both here and over on IG.
Happy (thawing out) Snapping!