Hello March!
You certainly know how to make an entrance. We're being treated to rain...lots of rain and a bit of thunder too-which might not be a big thing in your neck of the woods, but here? Thunder is a stranger and I'm always happy to welcome it's familiar rumble. With February's departure it left a path of all good things for me. I entered a "Mardi Gras" themed photo challenge over at
twenty/20 not expecting anything. Just the experience of entering challenges. Other users vote on photos on any given theme, which are announced on IG.
Well, wouldn't you know...I made top twenty with my interpretation of Mardi Gras! Believe me, I was just as shocked as anyone...
...so I entered another one. This theme is "Vintage." That's my photo of the LP under VOTE. Again, I don't expect anything but as you can see by the screen capture, there are 1,147 entries. I came in at 1,021 and as of right now, I'm 186th with 2 days left in the voting. I'm not sure where all this new found competitiveness is coming from, but I seem to be making up for lost time...like 40+ years of hating competing for anything.
You can download the app for your i-phone and upload photos to sell, buy and have fun entering challenges. BTW...you can order canvases from them. I think the company changed from Instacanvas. I cried the first time I saw a photo up on a 12x12 canvas.(I know, I'm a nerd... but I've been telling you that for years now!) It's all good and fun.
I've got critters again. It's awfully cold and wet for them but it is what it is for now. I have about 10 little ones. I've moved them from direct weather elements to potted milkweed under our front porch.
Cutie bug! I love my critters.
I love this...I'm a Shavee.
As of today, I'm 50 bucks shy of $1000...and in exactly 21 days I will be bald, smooth shaven, chrome domed, hairless. However you wanna call...all in the name of pediatric cancer research. Have I mentioned that I'm beyond excited? The wait is killer.
As I went to copy the donor link...another $15 has been donated...if my math is correct...that's $965.
Yes...March is going to be exceptional. My heart is full.
Happy (almost spring?) snapping!
I'm celebrating, playing & linking up over at
Barb's today.