Thursday, December 31, 2015

Little things...


Truffles are little...

...but with a whopping mouthful of flavor...

...from chocolate and cabernet...

...lots of chocolate!

I can't think of a better way to spend the last day of 2015 then here with you all...

(insert big smiley face)

...and Kim over HERE

You can find the recipe for Red Wine Chocolate Truffles Here
They are super easy...

...and super yummy!
It's been well documented that I eat my props...

I wish you all a beautiful and safe New Years Evening and I really hope that 2016 is bright and enveloped in goodness and creative days. Continued friendships and fulfilling experiences. Fresh optimism and new journey destinations. Here's to open hearts ready to receive new inspiration. May you believe in your intentions and live mindful.

Peace to us all

Happy (2016) snapping!

Friday, December 25, 2015


Have yourself a merry little Christmas

My dearest blogging friends,
I wish you many blessings this holiday season and always. I couldn't let the frenzy of the holiday pass without thanking each of you for being here in this space, with me...even for a moment. I hope 2016 brings you joy in whatever you do.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Not a day goes by without thoughts of you-some good, some not so good. I know I have a bit of forgiving and "letting go" to do before my heart fully opens & I am able to recognize your presence that I eagerly seek.
I'm working on it...really I am.

Dear 2016,
Please be kind. 
The world is in such need of healing. Some days I can barely scan the headlines. 
Peace to us all

Dear Thich Nhat Hanh,
I find such comfort in your words. In your quotes. 
Living with Mindfulness is something I'll be consciously practicing in the coming year. It won't be easy...It most definitely won't be easy. Wouldn't it be something if everyone tried?

Happy (mindful living) snapping!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Baby...'s cold outside

I really can't stay
(But baby, it's cold outside)
I've got to go away
(But baby, it's cold outside)
This evening has been
(Been hoping that you'd drop in)
So very nice
(I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

I'm in total love with Dean Martin and Lady Gaga's version of this song. All I can think of is wrapping my fingers around the delicate china and warming my hands as I inhale this new intoxicating tea.

Hope you're keeping warm where you call home.
Linking up with Kathy today over at

Happy (holiday) snapping!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Little things...


I was born Christmas...

...converted to Chanukah...

...but love playing with Christmas...

Playing over Kim's at littlebylittle

Happy (winter) Snapping!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Little things...


It's only Austin and The Mr. at home, but they still get a their favorite cookies! 

Peanut Blossoms for Austin 

Mexican Wedding cookies for The Mr.

These are the only snowballs we get around here!

What's your favorite holiday cookie(s) to either bake or eat?
I'd love to hear.

I'm sharing with Kim over at


Happy (cookie) snapping!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Little Things...


These are the last of my little critters...

...11 in all...

...full blog post coming soon on an end to monarch rearing.
In the meantime, 
I'm sharing with Kim over at 

If you missed Monday's post
Find it here