Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hope is...

...necessary in every condition
(partial quote 
 Samuel Johnson)

This is not what I had planned for today's post. Usually Friday is a blogging day I look forward to all week. I'm not a journal writer in a traditional sense, that's what this sacred space is reserved for.
For all that is good and gloomy, lighthearted and heavy.
Last December, my life & the life of my family suffered through unimaginable trials & tribulations.
Our world was rocked~never to be the same again.
We've had a relatively peaceful spell...even though I know it's slight and fragile at best.
Yet, here I am
My mother, who is 1 part of these life events, will find out the results of a liver scan tomorrow.
It could be nothing, an easy fix, OR it could be big and life could once again be interrupted.
Bated breath, long moments of quiet pauses, uneasy notions wash over me...
and in the end
it is a vital part of surviving 
a second, a moment, an hour, a day, a lifetime


  1. Sometimes hope and our faith is all we have at that moment. You know I am praying for an easy fix!!

  2. Perfect quote. You have to have hope. Praying too.

  3. Positive thoughts being sent your way ..... **hugs** xo

  4. Holding you in my thoughts. Sending the white light.

  5. Oh my goodness Kelly, this, your words so eloquently put....waiting on pins and needles with you, sitting next to hope that this is an easy fix my friend. We always seem to be on similar wave lengths...just recently Sam has had a break through in his Arthritis and fatigue has returned and we are hoping it was from a recent cold and not because he is getting sick again. Love to you, I'll be holding your hand from here, and my Monarchs will be sending hoped filled thoughts on wings! xo

  6. One day at a time my friend. My prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Hope is so very important and can get us by in the hard times. I'm praying for the best results with your mom's liver scan tomorrow. Will keep you in my thoughts :)

  8. I do hope the results are good, and that the fix will be an easy one for everyone involved. All we can do is hope and pray, and when all else fails, push through the pain and look for moments of happy whenever and wherever we can. Hugs, sweet friend.

  9. Keeping your family in my thoughts Kelly.

  10. You have no idea how important this word is to me...

  11. Yes, hope is a vital part of living life joyously...

  12. One day at a time and trying to find some good and some happiness in even the smallest things. Hope that your mother is well and that all of you can stay positive and strong.


Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the blogging world. Your comments always put a smile on my face. Hope to see you again real soon.