Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday Listicles... & easy e-dition
on becoming a Grandma!

I'm hooking up with Stasha
to help celebrate her 100th Monday Listicle.
 I got absolutely giddy when I shot Jamie a text this morning at how much I love that baby already! I mean how can a human, the size of a lentil, steal a heart anyway? So that's when I decided to make a list of 10 great things about being a Grandma is going to be.

1. Watching your daughter become a mother 
2. Getting all the excitement of a new baby without losing your figure, losing sleep and lactating boobs at inappropriate times!
3. Buying books...
4. ...gifting the love of reading
5. Hold, smell and kiss that new bundle
6. Giving Brian & Jamie a break and letting little Erlwein stay with me.
7. a good way
8. Being a confidant 
9. Waiting so "Baby E" can talk and actually name me. (so many choices, Nana Kelly, Grams, Safta, MoMo...endless possibilities)
10. Hearing my new name for the first time!

I'm kinda over the moon!

Yes, everything I've done or didn't do will now make sense to Jamie.
 Electrical appliances come with more instructions than raising a baby.
 For now, I get to sit back and be prepared to amazed!

Saturday, May 25, 2013



I am a little behind in editing photos but life has slowed to a more manageable speed & I can finally play a bit more. I'm fighting band width as Austin is having a LAN(local area network) party. I've got 8 boys each with their own computer playing some kind of game together. They laugh and dog each each other, some will rest and play guitar and "sing"! It's hilarious listening to them. They stay up all night. A few will sleep, or not...
So I just sit in a corner of my house, making do with what little wifi I can steal! Uploading is murder!
While I was in Fla. for those 3 weeks, the weather was near perfect so I took advantage & walked...
a lot! 
One Sat. I stopped at a garage sale & found a jar of thread. I didn't even barter the $10. Now, I sweat if I have to sew a button...that's about as much sewing as I can do-but I had to have this jar. The lid had a recipe stuck to it at one point and the imprint alone makes me swoon.

more than a few interesting colors...

I can imagine the talk in the sewing circle when thread jumped from 10 to 15 cents!
That was probably a big thing.

I'm not exactly sure what you'd use this nylon thread for...but the label says
"new & improved"

I can't even tell you the happiness a $10 jar of thread gives me

Happy (thread) snapping!

Friday, May 24, 2013



Dear Me,
I'm so happy you let things go while you were in PA that are out of your control. Never realizing  how taxing everything was getting even though you swore you weren't going to let things get bigger than you. Between brother, sis in law, and yourself, you've made it so things are manageable and you are in better control of things. So glad you were able to really enjoy your week as yourself...silly, loving, laughing, giddy, joyful, happy self.

Dear Austin,
Enjoy your new/old truck. I feel better knowing your 1st vehicle is a sturdy truck. Congratulations on your up and coming graduation. Dad and I are so proud of you and the young man you've become. You are loved to the moon and back.
I know you thought I lost my marbles when I teared up taking pics of the last of 12 years worth of lunches I've packed for you~2,160 lunches...give or take a few!

I can't help it. I'm a sentimental fool...but you know that about me already!

Dear Kim @

What you are going through as a mother I can only imagine. Have you ever jumped into something with both feet just because it felt right? And, you weren't quite sure of the logistics but you'd figure it out as you go along? Well, that's me and the 1000 cranes I will be blogging about in your honor. Besides my cranes, 
I had my first batch come in today from Maria aka echie52 on IG. 

Complete strangers helping each other has restored my faith in the human spirit.

Ahhhh life is good.
Happy (origami) snapping!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013



It's free & easy over at Kim's
Which suits me just fine!

I am so excited that I have a bit of a break from all the yuckiness that my family is going through.  Summer vacation starts in a few weeks and I can hopefully spend more time blogging, take some much needed down time to sooth and heal my heart. I want to feed my creative spirit by learning something new, definitely spend more time with Frankie, maybe get in a few day trips...Oh I am SO ready!
 (can you tell?)
The props I used for this photo is part of a very large jar of thread & spools I found at a garage sale on one of my daily walks while staying with my Mom in Fla. I didn't even haggle the price down as it had my name written all over it.
 It cost me more to mail it home but it's priceless to me. I don't even sew...barely a button!
 I was glad to have something to shoot and post on IG while away from home. 
I used Kim's "WORD" texture. I'm a sucker for anything with text on it!
Until next time...
Happy (almost summer vacation) shooting!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The secret is...


Did you see this TEASER ?

I am a Grandma in training! 
I got the good news sitting in Minneapolis waiting to get home. It sure made the 3 hour sit sweeter!
Jamie and Brian are over the moon... we all are.
I'm already swooning and the thought of holding something so miraculous from my daughter and her husband...well, lets just say I'm not landing anytime soon!
I guess Jamie is a fertile Myrtle like her mama! 
We'll have a January baby-Perfect 50th birthday present for me. 
You all know before my IG peeps know. The big reveal comes later over there. 
If you're here from IG...
hee hee

Happy (baby) snapping!

Friday, May 17, 2013



Dear week,
Wow, you really had me going. Flying the midnight rocket on Monday to Atl, then on to Pittsburgh. Oh and let's not forget the 2 1/2 drive through the country to Dubois (on 3 hour's sleep~that's airplane sleep)
Thursday was a rough, tiring, exhaustive 16 hour travel day. I crawled into bed at 11:30 only to wake up at 5 to get ready for work. But I got up with a smile on my
nanny nanny boo boo on you  

Dear Nana,
I'm so glad I came to see you at rest. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through your funeral. But I did and I'm a better person for it. I feel peace for the first time in a long time. I know you are exactly where you want to be. Oh and the very loud thunder boomer when the Pastor was reading your birth/death date...that was-without a doubt, you trying to take over G-d's job! This we know and had a little chuckle over it. 

Dear friends of Nana's church,
Thank you for embracing me with your warm hugs and stories of  "Alice." You enlightened me & I learned a few new things about this woman you celebrated.  I'm really grateful for the women of the church who pulled together a beautiful lunch and I enjoyed listening to what each of you had to say.
I wasn't sure what to expect coming but I can tell you I came away a better person, I have some much needed closure and I feel peace...something I haven't felt in quite some time.

Dear i-phone, 
Thank you for taking such awesome pics so I didn't have to edit photos from my big girl camera!

Dear Barn,
I have a renewed appreciation for you. You bring back such happy childhood memories. I knew that when my family drove up that hill to Nana & Granddad D's house-there you were & the best childhood memories were just a stone's throw away.  
I'm almost 50 so how old does that make you? 
I have a love affair with barns...I hope some day I can return to PA, under happier circumstance, and shoot barns to my heart's content.

Dear Blog friends...
I've got a

Hee Hee...

Happy (teaser) snapping!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013



The theme over at Kim's 
is Black & White w/at least one KK texture. 
I used "Lilly"here and it's perfect for that Phantom of the Opera look.

My usual square crop didn't work as I really loved the ties flowing off the picture. 

I'm off to PA for my Grandmother's funeral. It's going to be a long trip. If all goes smooth, I should be back in my bed by Thursday night with one more brick wall knocked down.

Happy (texture tuesday) snapping!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A day...

...of expression

First, I want to wish all you hard working moms Happy Mother's Day. You beautiful women who come visit and post here fill me with gratitude. I can tell by visiting your blogs you are like me, loving, caring and just trying to be the best person you can be. We are bound & united by at least one thing above all else...motherhood.
But I have to be honest with you, this is one Mother's Day I've been dreading the minute I saw the greeting cards go on display. I've had a knot in the pit of my stomach for weeks and will go away ONLY when the day is over AND nothing else out of the blue crops up.
 Half of me feels this way because this is the first MD that I can't pick up the phone to wish my own mother a special day. She's in that dark place struggling to exist. Quite honestly, it sucks thinking of her and the woman she was and the woman she has become.
Then the other half of me is excited for the mom that I am. I have everything in the world to be thankful for with my own 3 kiddos. I know that I am loved and appreciated & I really don't need one day set aside to celebrate my motherhood. If it makes it any easier to read this, I feel the same way about all the other "one day set aside" holidays. I honestly...and I mean HONESTLY feel that you should celebrate your loved ones each and every single day of the year.
 I ask myself every morning, "How can I make this day better for__________?"
I fill in the blank...and then just do it.
Did you know Mother's Day was established in 1872 for peace from a day of social and political activism by Julia Ward Howe? Mainly from women's clubs organized by Ann Jarvis, that eventually cared for soldiers on both sides of the Civil War in 1858. A resolution was signed and Mother's Day became national in 1914. It became so commercialized that Ann's daughter, Anna, fought the remaining years of her life trying to bring back the original intent of good works of these mothers. She died wishing the proclamation never happened.
Now, I know this is not a bed of roses post, but it is pure and from my heart. Something I take very seriously. Sometimes our days aren't filled with fluffy clouds and rainbows...although today I will try my hardest to see that it is...
Happy (silver linings) snapping!

Friday, May 10, 2013



Dear Nana,
Today is the day you have been ready for~for as long as I can remember. I'm sorry you had to wait so long to be with Granddad 
and Joy...

...but I have comfort knowing that you are finally in the one place you've wanted to be and will be eternally at peace. My happiest memories are sitting in your cozy kitchen eating your homemade applesauce...which to this day is by far the best applesauce I'll ever eat. 
I'll be back in a few days to say one last good bye... 
Good night my Applesauce Nana

Dear Kim at PickingPoppies,
You have won the CLICK magazine! Thank you for playing my friend. Just e-mail me your snail mail addy and I'll get that to you just as soon as I can. xo


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


...goes the orchid

I finally decided it was time to play over at Kim's
I've promised myself that what's going on with my parents wasn't going to be bigger than me, or take over my life.  Part of that promise is not giving up the things that mean the most to me and that includes taking lots of pics and staying engaged.  It's a delicate balance because of the emotions, phone calls & paperwork that are being dumped into this life event. I haven't blogged about that "Consider the what if's" talk yet because I'm still in the middle of it. But there is an end in sight...sort of. I know when I don't have all the insanity to deal with, I want to be in a good place where my life just continues as always and I don't have re-invent anything. 
That's my goal...
So, today for Texture Tuesday, the theme is POP and at least one of Kim's textures. My orchids are blooming like crazy and they seemed perfect for the prompt. I've used KK's cherishscripted 
Happy Snapping
thank's for "popping" in...(no pun intended)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Scavenger Hunt...


It's been forever and a day since I've played over at Ashley's.
I literally decided an hr. ago to play you'll forgive me if I put on my cheater pants for one of the is freezing cold but it's helping the firemen with the fires to the East & West of us.

So without further interpretations of the prompts this week:


Here's a little secret I use for my background...I go to the craft stores and find scrapbook paper that resembles wood for my close up shots. Pretty cool idea huh?


One of my Monarchs from the fall. I never get tired of looking at these beauties. My i-phone has taken some amazing shots of my babies.


So yesterday, the WEATHER(here's where I'm wearing the cheater pants!) was perfect to snap a pic of  one of several hummers that went crazy protecting his territory. The skirmishes lasted all day. 


There's a small window when fruit is at it's sweetest peak...Now is that time.
Thanks for hanging out with me today.
Happy (weekend) Snapping!

Friday, May 3, 2013



Dear U.S. Army,
I took this at Adam's going away party.
See Adam on the left? Well, he's sworn in and ready to serve the United States. Please keep him safe. 
(Adam, Tristin & Austin~they're good boys)

Dear Me,
It's time to get a new hair-do.

Dear stress,
You think you're gonna get the better of me don't you? Well, you got the wrong girl to be messing with. Yeah, I had a mini melt down or two this week, they're allowed. But, I pulled myself up by my boot straps and moved on. Yeah, my nerves are being tested- but I WILL overcome you.

Dear whoever is responsible for my mom's well being,
You failed miserably.

Dear Frankie,
You're meatloaf rocks to high heaven!

Dear Santa Ana Winds,
Enough already.

Dear Monarch Butterflies,
I have tons of healthy milkweed for your babies. 
(I better be careful what I wish!)

Dear Click,
I was lucky enough to receive two copies of your delicious magazine and feel like having a little contest to give one away.  So lucky reader/friend, just mention that you'd like a shot at winning and you'll be entered. Winner will be announced next in my little corner of the blogging world!
  sorry over the pond friends...US only

Happy (May) Snapping


Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Happy (wordless) snapping!